DISCLAIMER: This blog post is about an experience that has changed our lives. Now I don't know about you, but as juniors in high school we have already experienced so much, that its really hard to pick just one instance. For this reason I am truly sorry if this blog post goes on a tangent or rant, I will try to stick to a single thought process, but knowing me that may not work out. Legggo
It was the beginning of seventh grade and I was heading home from school with something on my mind. I really wanted to play a sport. This sounds like a pretty "light" thought to have, but I was concerned and curious as I walked up my driveway. I had no idea what sport I would want to play. Soccer? No I had already played that for a few years when I lived in Wallkill. What else is there to play? I thought. I knew basketball didn't start until the winter, and I wanted to play something now. I came home and dropped my thoughts on my mom, asking her for her assistance in this what seemed like a massive decision. By the end of the night we had settled it. I was going to try out for volleyball. A sport I vaguely remembered how to play in gym class. I was extremely nervous, frightened, yet somewhat excited. I may actually have a chance I thought as I drifted off to sleep.
It has been around four years since that night and I believe that I could not have made a better decision. I am obsessed with volleyball. I want to breathe, sleep, eat, listen, watch, think about, cleanse in, dream about volleyball. I know that sounds like an addiction, but..... nope you're right it actually is an addiction. I had played on the modified team from seventh to eighth grade, learning the rules and regs. and attempting to grasp a skill I never thought I had. Then I moved up to JV for my freshman year with a great friend as a coach, and I learned how to better myself as a player, student, and person. Finally I had made the varsity team my sophomore and junior year, and hopefully senior year! I am NOT the best volleyball player in the world, nor the school, (have you seen Anthony play?!?!) yet I have attained some skills that I know will help me as a player and person later in life.
Volleyball is the one thing that keeps me sane, and I have been saying that for a while now. Stepping on to the court is like a load has been lifted off of my shoulders, and it is just my little sliver of heaven until it's time to leave the gym. During my practices I learn how to pass, set, spike, serve, block, tip, and rotations. Yes I can say that, and you probably agree. Just because you might not know what these terms mean, they sound pretty legitimate and you can take my word for it right? What if I told you that I don't just learn fundamentals and basic skills at practice? Will you shake your head and deny me of further explanation, close my blog page and read someone elses? Well you do you but I am just trying to keep this light and fun so you don't fall asleep on me over here!! My experience while playing volleyball has taught me many things that I will never forget; big and small.
So for your reading pleasure I have provided a list.
- Basic Fundamentals and How to play -derp
- How to work as a team- this is truly important due to the lack of teamwork anywhere else in life. It has really taught me how to communicate as well as provide and take constructive criticism, and have fun with people I would not have met otherwise.
- The pure joy of having bright colored shoe laces- they're truly awesome to look at
- The importance of icing your weakened or hurt muscles- this is a MUST have
- That volleyball will be a constant in my life and it will always give me something to look forward to do, even on a dull or darkened day.
- Not to drink anything gross, or an excessive amount of anything including water before playing a game- there have actually been so many instances where this will be necessary later in life I can count them on one hand
- The best friends are the ones you can yell at if your team is losing, the ones you can look to when you are let down, the ones that will cheer you on even when they're mad about not playing, the ones who you can share the most peculiar stories or dreams with on extensive bus rides, the ones that will make fun of you when you mess up, and are ok with you making fun of them when they slip up too. They love you no matter what the score is.